Eileen Ahn

I am a designer, creative strategist, and researcher born in Seoul, raised in California, currently based in S.F.

Activated by inquiries rooted in liberation and autonomy, my art and research practice focus on alternative appropriations of digital tools and systems as forms of activism and resistance. I find wonder in relation-mapping the "unlikely things" that in turn become more personal through new abstractions.

I currently works as a designer at a civic tech nonprofit to make voting more accessible. I am always looking for new collaborations and tinkering! This website was handmade with love and is always in progress...

Last updated: Sept 2024


I have a very high bar when it comes to media consumption. I rarely turn on the TV or go to the theaters (But I will watch shows with you! I just won't start something voluntarily). I always try to finish the books I pick up, but too often, I agonize through the pages that make reading feel like a chore than a leisure. I rarely encounter things that compel me, but when I do, I am invariably captured and wholly fixated.

This is my very short list of books that captured me, from beginning to end, and would highly recommend to anyone. I am also always taking book recommendations and would love to know what captured you.

A Tale for the Time Being Ruth Ozeki
All About Love Bell Hooks
The Ants Sawako Nakayasu
The Gentrification of the Internet: How to Reclaim Our Digital Freedom Jessa Lingel
The Three Body Problem Cixin Liu
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Gabrielle Zevin